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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Attracting Godly Friends & Role Models - Day 8

The friends our children make have such a huge impact on their lives how can we not pray for them to attract godly friends. I think too often parents feel like they have no control over who their child chooses to befriend. Well, in the earthly way it definitely feels like that, but as Christians we have so much power over our children's friends. We are not helpless we have the power of God to intervene and change lives, we just have to ask. Omartian said when you have that gut-feeling as a parent we need to do is ask God for Holy Spirit inspired discernment and pray accordingly. Pray for the friends they have now and the friends that will come into their lives. What a relief to know that there is something we can do.

The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray. -Proverbs 12:26

Join me in my daily bible study as I read through The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartain.

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